Life Insurance

When the unexpected happens, life insurance coverage may be able to help keep your plans for your family’s future on course.

Some Key Life Insurance Goals:

Provide income to surviving family members so they can maintain their lifestyle.
Pay off the mortgage if an income earner were to pass away.
Provide for a college education if there are dependent children in the household.
Pay for final expenses of a funeral or estate settlement costs.
Provide an emergency fund to handle an unexpected financial crisis.
Provide for settlement of personal debt.

How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?

Figuring out exactly how much coverage you will need requires a thorough analysis of your personal situation. We’ll even tell you if you have too much insurance! We will spend the time needed to find out exactly how much life insurance you do need…for both today and for the future.

Determining Life Insurance Needs

Depending on the needs of the beneficiary, your life insurance policy can be tailored to fit your decisions. Proceeds can be paid to the beneficiary in a lump sum or in annuities. Other options for your life insurance plan include pensions and endowment policies.
Please call us today for your FREE consultation and life insurance rate quote, with no obligation! Get the information you need to make an informed decision about your life insurance plan.

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