4 Things You Should Tell Your Car Insurance Agent About

As technology advances and our lives change, there are some instances where notifying your insurance agent can be highly beneficial—either saving you on the cost of your insurance or modifying your coverage in order to ensure you are properly covered for potential claims.

The rule of thumb to know when and why you should update your insurance agent is if you have any significant changes in the use or value of your vehicle.

Here are a few examples of when to contact your insurance agent to review your policy:

Vehicle Use. This includes using your car to perform work related tasks. Whether your company now requires you to travel for work or you are using your car to make some money (whether giving rides, make deliveries, or driving with advertisements on you car), it is important that your car insurance agent knows about these changes. Getting in an accident while performing a work-related task (aside from driving to and from your workplace) will often exclude the accident from coverage unless you have commercial car insurance.
Mileage Changes. Car insurance rates often take into consideration how often your vehicle is on the road. So, if you are working from home now or even just partially, it is likely you aren’t driving the amount of mileage per year you first estimated when you originally signed up for coverage. Check with your car insurance agent and see if fewer miles on the road will equal savings on your car insurance.
New (or Fewer) Drivers. Whether your teen is learning to drive, you have a new roommate who occasionally borrows your car, or your teen moved out and got their own policy, you should update your car insurance policy to include (or remove) these individuals on your coverage to avoid any denied claims or overpaying.
Expensive Upgrades/Aftermarket Parts. Some vehicles, like Jeeps or sports cars, are often modified after they are purchased and driven off the lot. Many aftermarket parts are costly, and you want to ensure your policy includes coverage for damage or theft of these items. Select coverage may be available for your car’s modifications, giving you added security should anything happen to your vehicle.
In addition to speaking with your car insurance agent during the above instances, it is always a good idea to review your policy annually. This opportunity can help you add or remove coverages that are no longer necessary.

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