Creating A Wedding Day Emergency Kit For the Wedding Party

You’ve planned for this day for months and you are sure that everything will go perfectly. But let’s face it, even with the best planning emergencies happen and things can go wrong unexpectedly. The best thing to do is to prepare for these unknown surprises by having a wedding day emergency kit for each member of the wedding party. We have put together a list of the most important things for each kit to have.


Sewing Kit – a sewing kit can be invaluable to the bridal party the day of the wedding. You will want to have a kit that includes sewing needles, safety pins, a small pair of scissors, hem tape, and thread so you can quickly fix any last-minute snags and tears or trim any loose thread.

Clear Nail Polish – using clear nail polish is a handy trick used to stop runs in pantyhose and tights. You want to try to get a coat of the polish on over the run as soon as you notice it, and this will help prevent the run from spreading any further. Of course, you can also use this to smooth out any last-minute chips in your nail polish.

White Chalk – this is another great trick that comes in handy if you get a stain on your wedding dress and need to cover it quickly.

Bobby Pins, Hair Ties, and Hairspray – getting that perfect wedding day hairstyle can be difficult and keeping it looking that way all day and night can be even more difficult. Having these hair accessories on hand will help you quickly fix any hair that falls out of place. 

Makeup – you don’t need to have your entire makeup bag with you, but you will want to have a few of the essentials for touchups throughout the day. It’s a good idea to carry your lipstick, mascara, eyeliner, and powder with you for quick touchups. 

Perfume – you will want to smell as good as you look for this special day so don’t forget to pack your favorite perfume. 

Tampons and/or Pads – being a woman you know that you should never be unprepared for your period, because it usually decides to start at the worst possible moment.


Shoe Shining Kit – you will want to make sure that your shoes look the best they can throughout the day and night. You don’t want the look of a nice suit to be ruined by scuffed up looking shoes. 

Extra Pair of Cufflinks – it is a good idea for all the men to carry an extra pair of cufflinks in case one on the first pair breaks, falls off, or goes missing. 

Lint Roller – you will want to keep your suits looking as sharp as possible so having a lint roller on you will let you touchup your suit throughout the day and night and especially before any important pictures. 

Comb – you may need to touchup your hairstyle throughout the day or night so having the men carry a comb with them is a good idea. 

Chapstick – you won’t want to have dry, chapped lips during the wedding so be sure to carry some form of Chapstick with you throughout the day and night. 

Extra Pair of Black Socks – you never know if something will happen to your first pair of socks that will make you want to change them (like stepping in a puddle) and these will also come in handy if one of the other men in the wedding party forget their dress socks. 


Water and Easy To Carry Snacks – it can take a long time while you are waiting for everyone to get ready on the day of the wedding. You will want to make sure that everyone has snacks and water that they can carry with them easily to access throughout the day. 

Medications and Band-Aids – you never know when you might start to have a headache, or some other body pain and they aren’t going to stop just because it is your wedding day. It is a good idea for everyone in the wedding party to have some form of pain reliever that works for them. It’s also a good idea to have band-aids on hand in case someone gets a small cut or a blister from their shoes. 

Deodorant – you’re probably going to be doing a lot of dancing during your reception, and if your ceremony is outside that may get hot and sweaty as well. You should carry deodorant with you just in case you need to reapply throughout the day. 

Floss and Mints – these items will help you keep your smile and breath perfect all through the day and night. 

Cash and Cellphones – you may need cash to tip vendors during the reception and these days no one wants to forget their cellphone. Even though the photographer will be in charge of getting most of the pictures it is still fun to have your cellphone with you to catch some “in-the-moment” photos. 

Tissues – it’s a good idea for everyone to have a small pack of travel tissues on them for any tears of joy, makeup smudges, or sudden sniffles.
If you are looking for an experienced professional wedding planner that will make sure you are not only prepared for emergencies but for everything else on your wedding day call Byrd Nest Events & Design to discuss your options with us today!