Byrd, Byrd What’s the Word? My Love Story!!!

My love story is a love story like everyone else’s: girl meets girl, falls in love, and lives happily ever after. But, it’s the details between the meeting and the happily ever after that makes it a real love story.
I met the love of my life online, at the height of Black Planet’s reign on the dating scene. I had become so tired of looking for love in all the wrong places. I kept finding myself on the losing end of a never-ending battle. I wanted to truly be in a loving relationship—and being a single mom of three made that difficult at times.

But God! He had someone from the heavens just for me! 

I had decided that I had to spell it out and make it plain—What was I looking for in a mate? It was nothing crazy; she didn’t need to look like a movie star or make lots of money. I just wanted someone to love me and my children. So, I posted on my dating profile, “must love the Lord, children, pets, and have a job.” Shouldn’t be too hard to find, right?! Believe it or not, even THAT can be hard to find sometimes.

The love of my life had been out of the dating scene for about six months and was not looking for a relationship–just conversation. Well, she got that and more! She says she was scrolling the page when she saw one person in a neighboring town. She stopped scrolling and there I was.

We decided to meet on her birthday, July 1, 2001. That night, we talked until the wee hours of the morning. The next day I went out of town to pick up my oldest daughter from school in Alabama. On the way back to North Carolina my van began to have trouble. Who could I call but her? All through the night she kept talking to me so I would not be afraid on the road. I made it as far as Morgantown, North Carolina, so close to home. I broke down, and to say the least, I was outdone. 

This is how I know there is a God. 

My beloved cancelled her whole day—full of patients—and drove the 2.5 miles where I was stranded with my kids. She came, picked up my children and myself, and took us home. 

We have been together ever since. We have been together for seventeen years this July and plan to marry. 

I truly believe there is someone out there for everyone. You just have to have that want-to spirit. 

Here at Byrd Nest Events and Design we are in love with love. We would love to hear your love story—share it with us in the comments or on our Facebook page!